Since The Astro Imaging Channel started in June of 2014, more than 300 programs have been uploaded on YouTube. It can be difficult to locate just the program you may want. This page may help you find the program you need.
YOUTUBE: The Astro Imaging Channel YouTube/Videos page has links to all the programs. You may scroll through them, click on a link, and watch what you like. That page can be found here: The Astro Imaging Channel - YouTube SPREADSHEET: We have also started a spreadsheet that has a bit more annotation. With it, you can more easily scan the offerings, click on the Date/Link and call up the show. It is a full Excel spreadsheet which can be searched, re-ordered, and so forth. You can find that spreadsheet here: PLAYLISTS: Finally, we have organized some of our programs into "Playlists." You may find the program you need by going here: The Astro Imaging Channel - YouTube VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Finally, as you can imagine, a database like this takes time to maintain. We need one or more volunteers to assist in this project. If you would like to help, please click below: |